While you search for motivation all around to get your brand growing, we say, slow down your boots a bit!
The best ideas are born when one is relaxed. So, keep your entrepreneurial glasses in place while we give you an insight into how you can find inspiration from old and new movies. That’s right! Movies!
There are some bright concepts out there…only if you know where to, or in this, what to look at. You get both entertainment and ideas as a package here. Wouldn’t you agree?
Now, enough small talks. We know you want to get right into the list, so, here goes…
Honesty is good. It has been the moral goal of existence for so many years. But in marketing your brands? Will that ever turn up the sales?
Emory Leeson is an advertising executive who is sick of romanticizing brands. In an epiphany, he tries his hand at advertising the truth. Crazy People shows the journey of Leeson and his success graph, which begins with the truth-telling outpour. This satirical comedy assesses the ways of advertising and why it ever settled for something false when it could do much better with the authenticity tag. The film, released in 1990, was way ahead of its time indeed.
Today, credible marketing tactics are highly applauded. If direct hard-hitting truths (like in the movie) may not work in favour, puns and sarcasm are equally enjoyed by the consumers. A brownie tip for the entrepreneurs out there!
The lines we loved: “This honesty! It’s a terrific concept!”
Personal recommendations are quite exciting for people to explore. Just think about it! They tend to believe others who have actually tried out the product or have seen them consume it (at least).
Does this sound like a marketing opportunity? Oh, yes!
The Joneses is a movie about a fake family whose ultimate motive is to sell products as a unit to their posh neighbourhood. Every product they use, wear, or talk about is just pure marketing. The film moves to a reality v/s fake confrontation by the members, leading to unravelling the truth to the neighbours. However, the film shows us the possibility of rapid word-of-mouth marketing apart from many other cues.
The Joneses is probably one of the first platforms to speak about ‘influencer marketing’ and ‘self-marketing’. A sure chance to boost up the sales in today’s scenario as well.
A line we loved: “It’s called self-marketing. If people got you, they’ll want what you got.”
You may have noticed how before every movie there is a warning poster that says ‘Smoking is injurious to health. Smoking causes cancer.’ And the funny part? The whole movie would have glorified smoking. Are these mixed signals to the audience?
Thank You For Smoking was released in 2005, starring Aaron Eckhart as Nick Naylor, a lobbyist (spokesman) for the Academy of Tobacco Studies. Talking his way out on the most controversial topics is his speciality. The film moves forward with the argument – that any product can hurt you under any circumstances, it’s up to the customer to choose their preferences. Even if this product eventually becomes your end. Naylor defends this statement everywhere he goes, also questioning the need for warning signs on cigarettes.
Naylor is assigned a task to bring back the use of cigarettes into the movies. Product placements in movies are very common even today. But how would you convince the use of a deadly product and still win? The answer is confidence! And, of course, the power of communication.
The lines we loved: “That’s the beauty of argument. If you argue correctly, you’re never wrong.”
Being ambitious is the trait of every business-minded person. But how far would you go to achieve your goal?
Released in 2016, The Founder tells the story of McDonald’s, the popular fast-food restaurant chain. The movie talks from the perspective of Ray Kroc, the businessman who led the restaurant chains to global success. When you can find ‘persistence’ and innovation on one side, a parallel narrative of how there is also greed and hypocrisy involved, cannot be denied (in the film). The Founder ultimately tries to convey to never settle or give up on your dreams while also knowing when to stop before the ambition becomes a toxic relationship.
From a franchise module to the importance of production speed to optimizing the customer experience and the power of brand names (phew!…that’s quite a lot), this movie packs a bunch of concepts to ponder for the success of a brand.
The line we loved: “I’ll offer something as precious as gold. Do you know what that is? Opportunity!”
While the above list were some hidden gems for entrepreneurs to explore, there’s no way we’re forgetting the classics either.
The Social Network is Facebook’s backstory. It gives us the greatest push to go ahead with our goal even if it seems crazy or impossible at first. The Founder and The Social Network share a similar thematic narrative of contesting between being ambitious and holding the moral ground.
When you think of inspiration, what’s better than the Apple story? There are two film versions of Steve Jobs’ life and his journey with Apple. We recommend Steve Jobs – the one starring Michael Fassbender and Kate Winslet. Despite being kicked out of one’s own company, the strong grit Jobs’ had to re-enter Apple is sure to leave you motivated. What’s more…the consistent passion he had for his vision is truly something we can look forward to.
Apart from films, if you have the patience to sit through a well-made series, then we have a quick recommendation for that as well. Mad Men is an American Drama Series that narrates the life of a creative director (Donald Draper). People in marketing are bound to be a little crazy. This works in favour of Draper, who presents each of his ideas with confidence and sometimes ruthlessly.
And… there you have it! This list of movies is definitely worthy of your time, and who knows, they may spark some brilliant ideas for your business as well.
Let us know how it worked out for you!